Hemoglobin Enhancer Pills

Thursday 15 January 2015

Ayurvedic Remedies For Iron Deficiency, Natural Hemoglobin Enhancer Supplements

Iron is an important substance that a human body needs. It carries oxygen throughout the body. Human body uses iron to make hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a part of red blood cells (RBC). Hemoglobin carries oxygen through the body. If one does not have enough of iron, then body makes fewer and smaller red blood cells. Due to this, body has less hemoglobin, and one cannot get enough oxygen. Hemoglobin (Hb) is an iron-containing protein in blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. The normal level of hemoglobin in blood is 14 to 18 mg/dl for men and 12 to 16 mg/dl for women. Below this level, the person is at risk.

Herbal Hemoglobin Enhancer Pills Supplements
The most common reason for low hemoglobin level is nutritional deficiencies. Deficiency of iron, folic acid, vitamin C and Vitamin B12 causes low hemoglobin levels. But several reasons like blood loss, bone marrow defects, cancer, kidney problems, and use of certain drugs can also lower the levels. The iron deficiency can lead to anemia. This is the most common disease caused by the deficiency of iron. This could lead to less formation of red blood cells in body. It is most common in women having high menstrual period. The various sign and symptoms of iron deficiency include feeling tired and weak, decreased work, difficulty in maintaining body temperature, decreased immune function which increases susceptibility to infection, Glossitis (an inflamed tongue).

Ayurvedic remedies for iron deficiency: Ayurvedic herbs are the great source of iron. They contain iron in the natural form and serve as the best in making herbal treatment for iron deficiency anemia. Some of the herbs used for this purpose are:

1. Shilajit: This is a natural herb available in molten form containing high iron content. It also increases energy producing reactions in the body to cure weakness, fatigue and debilities caused by anemia. This herb contains 85 different nutrients and is capable of reversing the process of aging by providing youthful stamina and strength and thus serves in making the best natural hemoglobin enhancer supplements.

2. Ashwagandha: This is another herbal extract which can serve as remedies for hemoglobin deficiency in combination with Shilajit. It works as a very powerful energy booster that improves circulation of blood in the body. Ashwagandha also purifies blood, supplements iron, and elevates absorption of nutrients by the body.

3. Safed Musli: This herb maintains healthy hemoglobin level in the blood, an extensively beneficial ingredient for women facing excessive blood loss during the phase of menstruation or child-birth.

4. Aloe vera: This herb stimulates the bone marrow to produce white (WBC) and red blood cells (RBC) in higher number, clears 'blood blockage' from blood, boosts oxygen carrying capacity of blood and reverses 'sticky blood'. Thus, it can be utilized in making the herbal iron deficiency supplements.

5. Kahu: This ingredient supplements nutrients in abundance. It contains vitamins, alkaloids, minerals, fibers, carbohydrates, and proteins. It increases level of hemoglobin and treats anemia effectively. Thus, can be used in making natural iron deficiency supplement.

Herboglobin capsules are the natural hemoglobin enhancer supplements which contain the blended mixture of many herbs in their purest form to increase the iron content in the body. These capsules maintain the ratio of red blood cells in the hemoglobin. Herbogloin capsules have many natural ingredients in proper blended form which makes them suitable as ayurvedic iron deficiency supplements, to fight against many iron deficiency related issues. These capsules help in maintaining the proper metabolism of the body organs and nourish them.

Herboglobin capsules are one of the best remedies to increase hemoglobin. They maintain the blood circulation in the body and allow each part to get proper proportionate form of blood. These capsules do not allow the red blood cells content to fall below a level, thus making proper oxygen supply to the body organs. Herboglobin capsules are the greater source of immunity. These natural hemoglobin enhancer supplements not only increases the hemoglobin content, but also maintains the immunity and provides greater fighting capacity towards the viruses and bacteria. These are the great source of energy. Regular consumption of these capsules makes the person energetic and feels fresh throughout the day. One can have 1 to 2 capsules of this natural iron deficiency supplement twice a day to have better and satisfying results.

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